Abhishek Chitlangia

Sep 19, 20204 min

Studying in India vs Abroad -

India is a massive country with a massive population and a young age potential next to none in this world, hailed as ‘a secret weapon’ by CNBC. Young Indians have a lot to bring to the table but also want more than their predecessors, in terms of their rights as citizens of the country, not being stringed down by the various dogmas which were previously treated as the gospel truth, a drive to be independent, having a better career and so on.

As India grows, Indians now want better living standards not only compared to what India has to offer but also the world. This revolution has to be one of the strongest revolutions modern India has seen after opening of the national economy in 1991. This battle for a better living and being a developed nation does not affect only the individual or the country but both in equal respect, as both are accountable to each other for their defects and abundance.

For Indians to meet these expectations, we need to work on our core fundamentals, our education. It is encapsulated in this quote-

‘The main hope a nation lies in the proper education of its youth’- Erasmus.

The importance of education is prime, and the youth wants a piece of that cake, whether they receive it in India or be a part of the globalization train. Goals being clear, the location of education has great intrinsic and extrinsic differences and correspondingly can affect desired results vastly.

Benefits of opting for Indian or abroad education are numerous. Let’s have a look at the top benefits of both the options:

Studying Abroad

  1. Experiencing unique methods of education – It is a known fact that studying abroad involves a lot more practical implementation than Indian universities can offer. This leads to learning in a more holistic method with greater knowledge of how the real world operates. It also helps in building contacts and enhances network amongst peers, from all over the world, to even professionals.

  2. Learning new cultures- When a student opts to study abroad, they present themselves an opportunity from where they can not only view the world as they used to but also from different cultures and perspectives. Acquainting people from different parts of the world also acquaints us to different perspectives, new ideas, ways of thinking, and expands our horizon.

  3. Focus on skill-building- Universities abroad are more focused on developing practical skills of a student and ready them for the world. This leads to developing wide number of skills such as communication skills, language skills, social skills; all options which are not so prevalent in India.

  4. Wider study options- It is almost baffling to think that an undergrad student in India is studying about the financial markets, physics, and world history at the same time. This is not the case abroad where choosing our respective classes and field of study is extremely liberal, resulting in in multi subject approach, better thinking, and holistic development. Few colleges in India have started using this approach now.

  5. Job Opportunities - An undergrad degree abroad has abundant high paying job opportunities. Most small and all large companies have strong programs of hiring straight from undergrad schools at very high pay. A masters degree is only required in few cases and an MBA is only encouraged after a few years of work experience bringing about savings.

Benefits of studying in India

  1. Expenses – College education is extremely affordable in India and is way lower than most sites chosen to study abroad such as the US, UK, Australia and so on. The average annual tuition fees for the US, the UK, Australia are 24,500 USD, 20,000 USD, 24,000 USD respectively and India’s average stands at a mere 580 USD.

  2. Firm Schedule – Indian educational institutes have a rigid schedule which is very beneficial for several students who are confused and find it difficult to make decisions. It alleves the issue where students may end up making wrong choices further increasing their cost and time spent in college.

  3. Depth of study - Because Indian education does not offer students a variety of options to choose from in terms of their course. Each student is able to immerse deeply in their course of choice. While some may consider this a narrow view, but it is very benefical for students who are focused and only want to pursue one path.

  4. Rise of Liberal Arts Education in India - 4-5 Indian privately funded have created a global standard curriculum. These colleges allow flexibility of choices, are cheaper than going abroad and recognized by industry. While options are limited and admissions is difficult, these are great institutes to consider.

Choosing which college or university one wants to go to is entirely set around personal values, requirements, finances, and future goals and planning. Once all these factors are in place the person must look for if the college is what they really want, especially considering placement, campus life, study-life balance, etc. Worldviral helps students make these decisions through a structured and personalized approached based on scientific principles.

College and course choices are life changing decisions setting one on hopefully their best life adventure, so the decision should be carefully taken.
